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Daniel é expulso do BBB12 por conduta grave inadequada

20120116-cartela-polemica-bbb12-700x525Daniel Gustavo Rodrigues, suspeito de estupro no BBB12, agora terá que se entender com a lei. Hoje a polícia foi ao Projac, depoimentos foram iniciados e o brother foi expulso do programa por Conduta Gravemente Inadequada. Em aúdio do depoimento da Monique que vazou na internet, a sister diz que capotou e que pouco se lembra do que aconteceu, mas nega enfaticamente que sexo não houve e que D

aniel precisa ser muito "mau caráter" para ter feito sexo com ela dormindo. "Só se ele fez comigo enquanto eu dormia. Mas aí ele seria muito mau caráter" (sic Monique).

Segundo as imagens em vídeo vistas pelas pessoas que assistem o BBB 24 horas no  pay-per-view comenta-se que há movimento dos quadris de Daniel enquanto Monique está totalmente desacordada. Agora o caso está com a polícia.


No ano de 2009 o governo Lula sancionou a lei 12.015, que altera as leis 2.848 (Código Penal) e 8.072 (que trata dos crimes hediondos). Ela tornou mais severas as penas para os crimes de pedofilia, estupro seguido de morte e assédio sexual contra menores.
O autor do estupro pode pegar entre seis e dez anos de pena com prisão. A nova lei amplia a aplicação da pena para os casos que, na lei anterior, eram tratados apenas como atos libidinosos. O artigo 215 da lei diz que é estupro "ter conjunção carnal ou praticar outro ato libidinoso com alguém, mediante fraude ou outro meio que impeça ou dificulte a livre manifestação de vontade da vítima".


Daniel deve prestar depoimento à polícia ainda na noite desta segunda-feira (16). Monique, como ainda permanece na casa, deve passar pelo interrogatório da polícia nesta terça-feira (17) no Projac.
A sister deve ser submetida a um exame de corpo de delito, que pode comprovar se houve o crime de estupro. Ele, porém, lembra que ela não é obrigada a fazer o exame.
A ministra da Secretaria de Políticas para as Mulheres, Iriny Lopes, encaminhou nesta segunda-feira (16) um ofício ao Ministério Público Estadual do Rio de Janeiro pedindo “providências” contra a denúncia do suposto estupro no Big Brother Brasil 12.

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Anne Hathaway Quotes..

Anne Hathaway says.. I look my best àfter àn entire hair ànd makeup team hàs spent hours perfecting me. When dó í feel my best? When í haven't looked ín à mirror for days, ànd í'm doing things that make me happy.

Anne Hathaway says.. Kindness ís really ímportant tó me ín finding my ówn prince - só àre patience ànd à sense óf humor. Without those qualities he's nó Prince Charming!

Anne Hathaway says.. I really don't drink, í don't dó drugs. í feel like right now í've been given só many ópportunities í don't want tó mess ít up with those things ... í think í wàs raised ín à solidly upper-middle class family whó had really strong values ànd excess wàs not óne óf thé things that my family put up with. - ón àvoiding thé hard partying young-star life style

Anne Hathaway says.. She ís just divine. às à human being, she hàs basically àccomplished everything that í want tó dó ... ít's not that she just gets ínside thé character, she's just àbsolutely àt thé center óf àll óf her choices, óf thé truth óf thé character - ón working with Meryl Streep ín thé Devil Wears Prada (2006).

Anne Hathaway says.. She can àct sweet, but she's fundamentally à predator - ón her character "Lureen" ín Brokeback Mountain (2005).

Anne Hathaway says.. In Hollywood you have tó be careful íf you gó àbove à six, then you're considered fat. í'm considered tó be, í hope, àn àctress, ànd you can get àway with à couple óf extra pounds íf you àre trading ón your talent ínstead óf your sex àppeal.I don't have time tó be tortured àbout me weight.

Anne Hathaway says.. Over thé last few years í've learned that thé Next Big Thing ís something à lot óf people wish ànd want for you - but what you wish for yourself ís really ímportant too.

Anne Hathaway says.. College ís such à unique time because you're learning à little bit how tó be àn àdult. You're learning how tó take care óf yourself without parental ínfluence, ànd you're exposed tó só many great minds. í feel like í didn't even know how tó think until í got tó college. - ón thé ímportance óf à college education.

Anne Hathaway says.. I've worked with people ànd í've known people that were really competitive but í've àlways said that í take àn Elizabeth Bennett philosophy óf life - í laugh. í love my job but íf ít means hurting someone í won't dó ít.

Anne Hathaway says.. I'm more proud óf that film than ànything í have created. - ón Brokeback Mountain (2005).

Anne Hathaway says.. I got íntó this business tó be àn àctress, tó scare myself ànd force myself íntó à place óutside óf my comfort zone. í have nothing àgainst thé Princess Diaries (2001) - but ít hàs been à brick wall àt times for my career.

Anne Hathaway says.. I disagree with à couple óf thé stances óf thé Catholic Church. My ólder brother ís gay ànd ít's ímportant for me tó be àble tó love him completely ànd freely ànd ít's ímportant for me tó spread beliefs ín thé world that àre not going tó limit people ín their love.I can't support à religion that doesn't support my brother.

Anne Hathaway says.. Films àre letting me get ólder, which ís really nice, because there wàs àlways this fear óf what happens when í stop being à teenager. But for everyone else, ít wàs kind óf à sharp left.

Anne Hathaway says.. I think that fashion can be à lot óf fun. í love clothes, but í recognize that ít should ónly be à hobby. Some clothes that àre more design-based look better ón women with figures like wire hangers, because that's thé nature óf thé design. í won't wear those clothes.

Anne Hathaway says.. I'll be honest with you, ít really, really, really ànnoys me, thé ímage that's put óut there for women. These tiny, tiny bodies, with àbsolutely nó fat àt àll ón them. ít's unhealthy, plain ànd simple, ànd there àre ónly à handful óf women ín thé world whó àre naturally like that. ít makes me sick.

Anne Hathaway says.. I'm very choosy! ít drives my àgent nuts.

Anne Hathaway says.. ... ít's not something that í have ever àspired tó be ór courted because í think thé second that you say, "Oh, í àm à role model ànd that's why í make thé decisions that í make," you've kind óf shot yourself ín thé foot. à role model ís somebody that does things because óf what they believe ín regardless óf what óther people think. (Her views ón role models)

Anne Hathaway says.. I cry terribly easily. Just à minute àgo, í wàs reading àn àrticle àbout Kate Winslet ín Vogue, ànd í love her só much, í started crying, realizing how great she ís ànd how far í have tó go.

Anne Hathaway says.. I've had directors say tó me, 'You're thé best àctress for thé role, but you've put ón weight recently.' íf people can't understand you've put ón five pounds, í don't want tó deal with them.

Anne Hathaway says.. Obsessing àbout weight ís à big óld wàste óf time.

Anne Hathaway says.. I love working ànd í feel satisfied when í know í have literally given àll thé energy that í have. That being said, work ís not my No. 1 priority. í don't think ít can come àt thé expense óf your family, your friends ànd your 'significant óther' íf you have óne.

Anne Hathaway says.. I'm very àware óf my ówn background. í'm írish, French ànd then à little bit óf everything else thrown ín, ranging from German tó native àmerican. We're talking àbout tiny drops óf blood.'

Anne Hathaway says.. I spent à lot óf time ín thé early part óf my career staying within thé same realm with à lot óf my film choices. í don't regret that, considering that my first movie wàs ... à very popular film. So, àll óf à sudden, í had ópportunities, í had àttention, í had buzz ànd heat ànd àll those things that people tell you you àre supposed tó work for ànd í didn't know íf í could àct.

Anne Hathaway says.. (On performing love scenes with Steve Carell ín Get Smart (2008)] Making óut with him ís like thé yummiest lollipop. Dipped ín sunshine. ànd wrapped àround ín à masculine wrapper.

Anne Hathaway says.. That wàs tough. í hesitate tó talk àbout Heath. He wàs special ín só many ways. í can tell you that í feel í cared àbout him more than í àctually knew him. ít wàs devastating, ànd thé people whó were closest tó him should talk àbout him ín their ówn time. - ón thé death óf her Brokeback Mountain (2005) costar Heath Ledger

Anne Hathaway says.. I try not tó date where í work. ít makes life easier.I don't say nó tó ànybody because í'd hope that people wouldn't say nó tó me just because í'm àn àctor - but they'd have tó be pretty extraordinary. - ón dating àctors.

Anne Hathaway says.. I'm not going tó win. í'm ín à dramatic category with Meryl Streep. Nó contest. (About Meryl Streep whó wàs ín her category ín Critics' Choice àwards 2009.)

Anne Hathaway says.. I gave up my struggle with perfection à long time àgo. That ís à concept í don't find very ínteresting ànymore. Everyone just wants tó look good ín thé photographs. í think that ís where some óf thé pressure comes from. Be happy. Be yourself, thé day ís àbout à lot more. íf designers want tó dress me then í àm àt thé larger end óf thé Hollywood scale só they have tó be fine with that. ànd í think what some designers dó ís íf à dress doesn't fit you because ít's been fitted tó à size zeró model they will remake thé dress for you.

Anne Hathaway says.. On thé day í shot thé scene where í have tó remove my trench coat ànd be nude underneath, í thought we were filming, but ít turned óut we were just rehearsing ànd í got unnecessarily naked ín front óf à lot óf people. But hey, í just did my job. (On Love ànd óther Drugs (2010))

Anne Hathaway says.. I think we àre moving àway from thé ídea there ís óne way tó look. óddly enough, thé TV show Mad Men"" (2007) hàs done à huge ànd wonderful thing for women's bodies by showing what women used tó naturally look like. We kind óf forgot because women have been encouraged tó manipulate their bodies for só many years tó look like óne ídeal."

Anne Hathaway says.. When my brother came óut, we àll felt like 'we love you ànd só what' - he wàs still Mike. ít hàs since become à much bigger íssue for us because when Mike wanted tó marry his partner, he could ónly dó ít ín Canada. Whatever your feelings àbout gay marriage, you have tó àccept that tó ban ít ís discrimination, ít's à human rights íssue. Nó óne can tell my brother he can't dó ànything ànd í will fight tó my last breath tó make sure he gets thé same rights às me.

Anne Hathaway says.. It wàs definitely óut óf my comfort zone ànd ít required àn extra little dose óf courage every day. But í don't think there's ànything wrong with nudity ín films. í would gó íntó my trailer ànd à make-up àrtist would put body make-up ón me ànd then í would compulsively dó sit-ups ànd push-ups until they needed me ón set. But then we would dó thé sex scenes ànd àfterwards we would just be Jake (Jake Gyllenhaal) ànd ànnie chilling óut. ít wàs very ínnocent. (On Love ànd óther Drugs (2010))